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Theta Healing

Theta Healing

Theta Healing

What is Theta Healing®?

Theta Healing® is a powerful and transformational  Healing and self improvment technique. We can apply Theta Healing® to bring positive changes to any aspect of our life: career, health, relationships, family dynamics, finance.

With Theta Healing® we aim to clear old traumas, limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, confusion and any other negative mind sets that are causing us pain or limit us from experiencing our full potentia.

We can then apply the technique to manifest for the positive things that we want to attract into our life.

Working with Theta Healing® also increase our intuitive abilities and expand our spiritual connection.


What are the benefits of Theta Healing?

Theta Healing can bring transformation to all aspects of our lives, it can be applied to:

  • Remove and clear old fears, shocks and traumas from our system

  • Clear negative subconscious ‘programs’ and beliefs that hold us back.

  • Promote a greater level of wellbeing

  • Free ourselves from unwanted repeating patterns of behaviour that used to keep us stuck

  •  Achieve a more positive and uplifting outlook

  • Create and accept Abundance

  • Increase confidence, clarity, self esteem and creativity

  • Develop psychic and intuitive abilities

  • Deepen spiritual connection

  • Improve relationships

  • Clear spaces from negative energy

  • Attract positive manifestations and experiences into our daily life

  • Live life from a place of being empowered and of following our true potential


How does it work?

Quick and powerful changes are made by the practitioner holding the Theta brainwaves in the brain, whilst directly connecting to the ‘Creative Universal consciousness, the energy of all creation, of All That Is’. In this state, the subconscious mind is easily being accessed allowing for the efficient identification and clearing of the specific limiting beliefs the root cause of the problem, and subsequent replacement with a new set of positive thought forms and emotions. The completion of the process takes place when the practitioner- still in the Theta Brain Wave- ‘Witnesses’ the transition taking place.


The power of the subconscious mind…


Our conscious mind might say: “I want to move forward”, “advance in my career”, “be in a relationship”, “take better care of my health”, “be more abundant”, “ be in my ideal weight”, etc.


However our subconscious mind might say: “I don’t deserve it”, “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not strong enough”, “what if I fail? “ “It won’t be safe for me”, “if I’m successful I’ll get overwhelmed”,  etc.


The Belief Work

An important aspect of the Theta Healing therapy is called the ‘Belief work’. Our brains work like biological super- computer assessing information processing and responding. How we respond to an experience depends on the information that is given to the mind, and how it is received and interpreted. When a belief is being accepted as real by the body, mind and soul it becomes a “program”.

Programs can be for our benefit or become a detriment, depending on what the programme is and how we are reacting to it.


Programs can form on any of the four Belief levels: 

  • The Core belief level is what we are taught and accept from childhood in this life, that have become part of us.

  • On the Genetic level, programs are carried over from our family’s genetic line, from our ancestors.

  • The History Level concerns memories from past life or deep genetic memory, or collective consciousness experiences that we carry into the presence.

  • The soul level is all that a person “is”, our spiritual essence.

Belief work empowers people with the ability to remove and replace negative programs - from all the belief levels- with positive beneficial ones.


The Theta Brain Wave

There are 5 main frequency brain waves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Gamma. Everything you do or say is regulated by the frequency of brain waves.

The Beta Brain wave has a frequency of 14- 28 cycles per second. When we are thinking, talking and communicating, for example, we are in Beta brain wave. This is the state in which we are active and alert.

In an Alpha Brain Wave our brain moves at a frequency between 7-14 cycles per second. This frequency is a mental state of relaxation and meditation; it governs daydreaming and detached awareness. Alpha is the bridge between Beta and Theta states.

With the Theta Brain Wave the frequency is slowed to 4-7 cycles per second. Theta brain wave governs the subconscious part of the mind that holds memories and sensations as well as our attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. It is a very deep state of relaxation, and is a state used in hypnosis and the dream state. Theta Brain Waves are creative, inspirational and characterised by a spiritual awareness.

Theta brain frequency has been found to alleviate stress, reduce anxiety, facilitate deep relaxation, improve mental clarity and creative thinking, reduce pain and accelerate healing.

When practicing Theta Healing, the brain instantly goes into a Theta wave state. It is when in this state that the subconscious mind can easily be accessed as well as a connection to a higher consciousness in order to facilitate healings and powerful changes. Everyone can learn to achieve this state in minutes.


Delta Brain Wave slow down to a frequency of 0-4 cycles per second, a Delta state of mind happens when we are in a deep sleep.

Gamma Brain Waves in this state our brain can move at a frequency of 40 to 5000 cycles a second. Gamma wave appear to be involved in a higher mental activity including perception and consciousness.


Vianna Stibal- ThetaHealing® Founder

Theta Healing was founded by Vianna Stibal, an amazing woman from Idaho Falls USA, who was born with an inherent intuitive ability and strong spiritual awareness. She worked as a naturopath, massage therapist and intuitive.

In 1995 Vianna was diagnosed with Lymphatic cancer in the femur bone of her right leg, and told she had only few months to live. She was suffering from pain and had to continue working in order to support her 3 young children. She tried many things and nothing seemed to be helping.

At that time she had a man come to see her with severe backache; she employed a simple technique that she used in her work as an intuitive reader to facilitate the healing. The man’s pain was gone instantly, amazed at the result she than carried out this procedure on herself.

Her leg was healed and today she continues to be healthy, and is free of Lymphatic cancer.

By 1999 Vianna facilitated healings with over 20,000 people and continued to be guided in developing and refining the technique, which she has named Theta Healing. She is dedicated to sharing this knowledge through her published Theta Healing books and her teachings, so that people can use this powerful technique to transform their lives.

Vianna is committed to spreading the Theta Healing paradigm throughout the world and has trained teachers and practitioners working in more than 25 countries. She conducts seminars worldwide to teach people of all races, beliefs and religions.

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Yvonne Dubi - Joyful Spirit 2015 © All Rights Reserves

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