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The USUI System of Natural Healing - Usui Shiki Ryoho


What is Reiki?


Reiki is a system of natural healing involving the laying on of hands.                                                                                                       

The word “Reiki” originates from the Japanese language and means universal life-force energy. It is defined as being the universal boundless vital energy which flows through all living beings. 


The technique was re-discovered in the 1800’s in Japan by Mikao Usui. The Usui system of Reiki is very simple but powerful, and when activated for the purposes of healing, addresses mind, body and spirit. 

The Reiki energy flow accelerates the body’s own ability to heal itself; it relieves stress and anxiety, brings about deep relaxation and stimulates the body’s metabolic and detoxification systems. 

Reiki is completely safe and a natural way of healing and complements the effectiveness of most forms of medical and holistic treatments. 


For those who train and practice Reiki it is also a self empowerment technique, which enables them to work on themselves towards greater balance within, and increased intuitive and spiritual awareness.  


Some of the benefits reported by people experiencing Reiki:


  • Relieve from physical pain (headaches, back pain etc.)

  • Faster recovery from injuries

  • Deep relaxation and stress relief

  • Reduction in anxiety

  • Feeling more energised

  • Improved bowl movement and digestion

  • Better sleep at night

  • Reduction in cancer treatment’s side effects

  • Feeling motivated to make positive changes in life

  • Help with overcoming depression

  • The ability to deal better and recover from loss and heartache 

  • Feeling more positive about life


Reiki Courses


During the Courses you will be initiated into Reiki by receiving the Reiki attunements. For each level of Reiki there are attunements which use ancient and sacred symbols to open, clear and align your healing channel in order to enable the life force energy to flow through you. 


The empowerment is there for life!


On each Reiki course you will also receive comprehensive manuals, be shown techniques for opening, clearing, and protecting your energy field. You will have hands on practice of all the Reiki techniques, so on completing the course you will have the confidence in your ability to give a full Reiki treatment to yourself and others. 


The training is done in a supportive, creative and uplifting environment, incorporating meditations, crystals, angel cards, sound and colour to raise the vibrations and enhance the experience. 


Whether you are drawn to Reiki for becoming a practitioner and treating others or for your own well being and self growth; being initiated into Reiki is an empowering, magical and a beautiful experience.


Reiki LeveI I course


Reiki I course is usually held over two days, in which you will be introduced and attuned into Reiki and will practice treating yourself and others.   It is the beginning of a beautiful Reiki journey.  


Reiki Level I - course curriculum also includes:


  • Introduction to Reiki

  • Reiki History

  • Learning about the body’s energy centres (Chakras) and energy field.

  • Opening and unifying chakras to the heart by meditation and sound

  • The Reiki principles 

  • Meditation to meet your Reiki guide, angel or higher self. 

  • Receiving 3 Reiki Attunements over the 2 days.

  • Demonstration and practice of the traditional hand positions

  • Self Healing

  • Giving and receiving a full Reiki treatment (front and back of body)

  • Learning how to ground, connect, balance and protect your own energy system. 

  • Treating animals and plants

  • Guidelines for treating others


You will receive a Reiki first degree certificate at the completion of the course. 


* The next Reiki Level I course- Saturday 2nd-Sunday 3rd December 2017

*Course Fee: £165

for further Information and to book the course- Click here


Reiki Level II course


Reiki II course is usually held over two days. You will be introduced to the sacred Reiki symbols their use and purpose.

 On this level working with the Reiki energy is greatly enhanced by the additional focus on clearing mental and emotional patterns, manifesting and sending distant healing to people and situations through time and space.


Reiki second degree training is for those who have experienced the power of Reiki in their lives for some time and choose to accelerate and deepen their commitment to healing and spiritual growth. 


Reiki Level II - course curriculum:


  • Reiki symbols- their purpose and usage

  • Toning- balancing the body energy centres with sound

  • Reiki level two Attunements

  • Mental and emotional healing

  • Programming crystals with Reiki

  • Charging objects with Reiki

  • Sending healing to past, present and future events

  • Sending distant healing using a photograph

  • Empowering goals and affirmations

  • Incorporating the symbols in a Reiki treatment

  • Various techniques for distant healing; proxy patient, absent healing book etc.



Reiki Master/Teacher training


This course is designed for those who wish to take the step forward to deepen their Reiki experience, increase their own personal healing and growth, and for those who are committed to teaching its beauty to others. 


The training includes the Master attunements, meditations, learning advanced healing techniques and how to instruct and attune students on all levels. 


It is an intensive and transformational training where you take the first step to being your own ‘Master’!!!


Reiki Master course curriculum:


  • The Reiki Master symbols- their purpose and usage

  • Receiving the Reiki Master Attunement

  • Empowerment exercise using the Usui Master symbol

  • The Violet Breath

  • Learning and practicing giving Reiki Attunements  to others (all Reiki levels)

  • Hai Ahi Wai- The Water Ceremony 

  • Antahkarana Symbols- their uses for healing and meditation

  • Creating and using a Reiki Crystal Grid (for Manifesting, positive affirmations and distant Healing)

  • Healing Attunements

  • Reiki Psychic Surgery (for moving blocked energy)

  • How to teach all levels of the Reiki Training.



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Yvonne Dubi - Joyful Spirit 2015 © All Rights Reserves

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