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Theta Healing Sessions

Making an Appointment

You are welcome to contact Yvonne to make a ‘one to one’ Theta Healing appointment via:

  • Email-

  • Telephone-  07425130811

  • Text -             07425130811

  • Facebook-  yvonne Dubi


Please feel free to contact Yvonne for any further information or to discuss the session beforehand.

  • Session Fee -     £60

  • Session length - 90 minutes

  • Session Type     -In person

                                   - Via Skype

                                   - On the telephone



The Venue is in London NW6 (zone 2) with very good and easy transport links, less than 5 minutes walk from West Hampstead three train stations:(West HampsteadTube- jubilee line, West Hampstead Thameslink and the ‘Overground’. And from Finchley Road Tube- Metropolitan line)


Who can benefit from a Theta Healing® session?

Theta Healing’ one to one’ sessions are recommended for people who have concerns or personal issues which they would like to address.  It could be in any area of life that they would like to create change; health, career, relationships, abundance, creativity.

Some people feel unsure of what they would want to work on or where to start, as they just feel confused, worried, anxious or stuck. That’s okay! As with the Theta Healing technique the root cause for this state of mind can be found and cleared, so that the person can be free to move forward in their life.

Theta Healing is also highly recommended for people who are ready to manifest /create what they would like to attract into their lives. This is done by setting goals, clearing any fears or blockages holding the person back from achieving it and then applying the Theta Healing manifesting technique.


During the session

  • The sessions take place in a safe and welcoming environment and are completely confidential.

  • Together with the Theta practitioner you will discuss the area(s) you would like to focus on.

  • For people who are completely new to Theta Healing, the practitioner will first give information about the Theta Healing process. 

  • The practitioner will go into the “Theta state” to intuitively connect with your energy for an initial Reading, Healing and Balancing.

  • Exploratory questions are asked to find out the key subconscious beliefs around the areas that you want to change.

  • The practitioner will always ask your permission before any belief changes are made.

  • To complete the process, the practitioner will implement positive strengthening beliefs to promote your confidence, well being and empowerment.


What is Muscle Testing?

 It is a tool which allows us to test the physical body, for the presence of subconscious beliefs at the beginning and during of the healing process. See Fig.1












                                               Fig 1 “Muscle testing position


  • Muscle testing is applied throughout the Theta healing process to identify the subconscious beliefs, this is to bypass the conscious mind that may create a barrier to change


  • At the end of session, muscle testing is repeated to affirm the removal of old beliefs and that the new beliefs are active.



  • "Yvonne is an incredibly skilled Theta Healing Practitioner. She uses her warm mannner and very perceptive nature to guide clients through their healing session, supporting them through difficult subjectss on order to help clients get the very best healing. I am enormously greatful for her help in dealing with tough family issues and health issues and am delighted with the results and feel great relief. Although we weren't working on weight loss, I have reduced a full stone of body weight without any effort, releasing a stone of emotional baggage! Yvonne is my go to person for Theta Healing and is vastly more qaulified than most practitioners in the UK" [Ellie.C Engineer}


  • “I had an amazing Theta Healing session with Yvonne… Theta Healing has really helped me to understand the origins of the beliefs and actions in my family. For example, I had no rights, and it was not safe to show intelligence or stand out. In using Theta, these beliefs were updated, acknowledged in the correct context and thus freeing me to have a different experience, not only with myself but with others- I no longer feel a victim with no voice. In conversations with my work colleagues I have started to express myself differently and they have noticed…” [Rosan.M]


  • Yvonne is loving, kind, receptive and truly connected to the source of all, she will not let you go without healing and confirming that what you have been downloaded has been received through muscle testing. There is a clear before and after visiting Yvonne’s theta healing sessions. It’s, as my sister told me when I directed her to see Yvonne, “A Godsend”…” [Magda.L]


  •  have had Theta Healing sessions and can say that from the first day I met Yvonne I felt safe to open up to her and let her do her magic. I have learned so much about myself doing the theta sessions and I can honestly say that it has changed my life in so many different ways!” [Marta.C]​



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