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                                                               "This has been an amazing course, and I see now why                                                                                 Theta Healing is growing so much- it helped release                                                                                 what I couldn't get to before and so quickly.Yvonne                                                                                   has been a real beautiful & experienced teacher.                                                                                         Thank you."


                                                              "What an amazing experience to do this (ThetaHealing                                                                                Basic) course, You get to know such fantastic truth                                                                                      about life, meet amazing people & follow the guidance

                                                              of a beautiful and inspiring teacher.Thank you Yvonne!"



"This has been an amazing and most wonderful Theta Healing course. Can't thank Yvonne enough for making it happen"


"I thoroughly enjoyed the ‘Manifesting and Abundance’ Course!

Like always I was able to connect and share my experience and emotions with all of you, which is not always easy for me! But you made me feel safe" and therefore I could completely be myself and let go. For this I Thank you Yvonne, as it helps me to grow and move on!”


“I take a lot home from all the courses I have done with Yvonne, it’s always such a magical experience and it feels like that I finally have found what I have been looking for! Thank you!"   


"Yvonne is an incredibly skilled Theta Healing Practitioner. She uses her warm mannner and very perceptive nature to guide clients through their healing session, supporting them through difficult subjectss on order to help clients get the very best healing. I am enormously greatful for her help in dealing with tough family issues and health issues and am delighted with the results and feel great relief. Although we weren't working on weight loss, I have reduced a full stone of body weight without any effort, releasing a stone of emotional baggage! Yvonne is my go to person for Theta Healing and is vastly more qaulified than most practitioners in the UK" [Ellie.C Engineer}


“I had an amazing Theta Healing session with Yvonne… When I first heard about Theta Healing, I had no idea what it was and thought it just another new age “fad”, but having had some personal sessions and taken some of the Theta Courses with Yvonne, I feel that it is important to share some of my reflections;

On a personal level: Theta Healing has really helped me to understand the origins of the beliefs and actions in my family. In particular on an ancestral or history level the belief that have influenced my interaction with myself and others.

Theta has also helped to release me from influence of core beliefs that have been passed down through the generations to myself and enacted in my relationships, and are long outdated. I realised that in this way it was like unfinished business that needed an opportunity to be understood, healed and released. I take the risk in saying that many beliefs originated from the need to protect against real threat and adversity in the past.

For example, I had no rights, it was not safe to show intelligence or stand out. In using Theta these beliefs were updated, acknowledged in the correct context and thus freeing me to have a different experience, not only with myself but with others- I no longer feel a victim with no voice. In conversations with my work colleagues I have started to express myself differently and they have noticed. I also no longer process their response as a threat and that I need to hide from. I look forward to attending more Theta Healing Practice sessions as well as other courses – I use them as a form of personal development and CPD to support my work."


“I have known Yvonne for about 2.5-3 years now and have done 3 different Theta Healing courses and various practise days with her. I also have had Theta Healing sessions myself and can say that from the first day I met Yvonne I felt safe to open up to her and let her do her magic. I have learned so much about myself doing the theta sessions and I can honestly say that it has changed my life in so many different ways!”


“I have seen Yvonne for a few Theta Healing sessions; I do not hesitate to recommend her services. Yvonne is very honest and caring person. She is very professional and will select the best option for you if you are unsure.  It is an absolute pleasure to see her and her assistance so far has been invaluable for me…”


“The Reiki sessions were relaxing, energy boosting, and positivity for my mind, body and spirit. Yvonne is such a joy to encounter. Keep up the truly fantastic work you do”


“I think Yvonne is a very skilful teacher. She used good techniques to get the group to gel and is able to communicate in different ways to explain the different techniques she was teaching. Please pass on my thanks to her as it has helped me a lot”


“Yvonne has a wonderful, calming aura about her and I always feel relaxed in her presence”


“Yvonne was very helpful and supportive; it was lovely to meet other people with positive attitudes. Thank you”


“My initial feeling following the first class were that this wasn’t my type of therapy, however, I attended all of the sessions and to my surprise, due to Yvonne’s expertise and personality, I really enjoyed the experience and found it very helpful”


The course was very enjoyable. Yvonne’s approach was relaxed and encouraging. I felt able to participate without feeling pressured”

ThetaHealing Manifesting & Abundance course

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