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ThetaHealing® courses

Basic (DNA2) Course


Over this certified 3-day course you will learn and practice the

Theta Healing technique. The course is 75% hands on and empowers

you to connect to the source of creation to bring about positive

changes and healing for your life and those of others.


Be ready for transformation…


A full Practitioner Manual is provided on the course, accompanied

with the ThetaHealing’ book by Vianna Stibal. A certificate endorsed

by the founder Vianna Stibal is awarded on completion of the course.


Course curriculum:


  • Cultivating a theta brain wave and using it to connect directly to the Creative Source

  • Understanding how subconscious beliefs are formed and how they can play a part in what you attract into your life.

  • Changing limiting beliefs in the subconscious mind and Creating new positive feelings

  • Working with the four belief levels – this lifetime, your ancestors, other lifetime memories and soul beliefs

  • Understanding and working with the 7 planes of existence

  • How to find the subconscious beliefs that underlie physical conditions using questioning techniques

  • Witnessing instant Healing and facilitating group healing

  • Communicating with Guardian Angels and Guides

  •  Learning how to use muscle testing as a tool to establish what beliefs are held in the subconscious mind

  • Clearing negative influences from your energy field e.g. radiation, psychic hooks, waywards,  vows

  • Using the theta brain wave state to create manifestation and abundance

  • Discovering and developing your intuitive skills

And much more….

To Book or further Course details- Click Here

Advance (DNA2) Course

Pre- requisite: ThetaHealing Basic (DNA2) Course


This wonderful 3-day course will enable you to expand your

Theta Healing knowledge and techniques and to clear limiting beliefs

carried over from many lifetimes. This is also a fantastic opportunity to

receive multiple downloads, practice additional skills, learn to connect

with each of the 7 planes of existence and most importantly enhance

your own personal healing and spiritual growth.


A full Practitioner Manual is provided on the course, accompanied

with the book ‘Advanced ThetaHealing’ by Vianna Stibal. A certificate

endorsed by the founder Vianna Stibal is awarded on completion

of the course.


course curriculum:

  • Advanced digging for beliefs and fears

  • Advanced practice of feeling work

  • Hundreds of downloads for your healing journey

  • How to release and resolve the 3 R’s: rejection, resentment and regret

  • An in-depth understanding and connection of the 7 planes of existence

  • Releasing negative vows, oaths and commitments within the 7 planes of existence.

  •  Connecting to plants and crystals through the 7th plane

  • Releasing free–floating memories

  • Healing the baby in the womb

  • Repairing the broken soul

  • Healing the broken heart-The heart song

  • Ancestral Readings- connecting to ancestors

  • Clearing and belief work on non- organic material (homes, land, car, businesses etc.)

·    Time bending


To book and for further course detail




Manifesting & Abundance

Pre- requisite: ThetaHealing Basic (DNA2) and Advanced Courses


This transformational 2-day course enables you to examine and change

mental attitudes and subconscious beliefs that may hold you back from

having Abundance in your life. Therefore allowing you to manifest and

attract what you do want, in all areas of your life.

A Practitioner Manual is provided on the course, accompanied with

Vianna Stibal’s Abundance meditation (Manifesting from the 7th plane)

CD. A certificate endorsed by the founder Vianna Stibal is awarded on

completion of the course.


course curriculum:


  • Discover the 100 most common blocks to receiving abundance

  • Use Theta Healing techniques to clear and remove your blocks to having what you want

  • Receive downloads to allow you to be able to receive and create

  • Work with retraining the mind to attract what you want

  • Discover how you can accomplish working alongside your Divine Timing

  • Prepare your shopping list of what you want in all areas of your life – home, relationships, soul mate, career, spiritual growth, health, finances

  • Learn how to clear and do belief work on non-organic material in order to create a home and work environment to support your manifesting

  • Practice Remembering your fu




Intuitive Anatomy

Pre- requisite: ThetaHealing Basic and Advanced (DNA2) Courses


The Intuitive Anatomy Course is taught over a period of 15 days. It is an in-depth journey of discovery that takes ThetaHealing® Practitioners through the Body Intuitively, allowing them to intimately and intuitively meet the organs and systems, to discover the emotions and beliefs that are inherent in the body. This course offers healing to the body’s systems through the release of accumulated energetic emotions. We then explore the Beliefs held in each system and their relationships to physical “dis-ease”. Students will have ample time for self-healing and practice with other practitioners to clear limiting Beliefs.

 This is the seminar for the serious ThetaHealing® Practitioners who wishes to become highly skilled at scanning and healing within the physical body, and on all levels


course curriculum:

Each day we will scan, explore and work with a different body system:

Day 1-  Microbes: parasites, Viruses, Bacteria, Fungus and heavy metals

Day 2-  Skeleton/ Bones

Day 3-  Endocrine system: Pineal, Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus, Adrenals, Ovaries/ Gonads and        


Day 4-  Digestive System

Day 5-  Respiratory System

Day 6-  The Heart and Circulatory Systems

Day 7-  The Lymph System

Day 8-  Excretory and Sexual Systems

Day 9-  The Muscular system

Day 10-The Nervous system

Day 11- The Skin

Day 12- The Eyes

Day 13- The Brain

Day 14- The Ears

Day 15- The Body as a whole






Game of Life

Pre- requisite: ThetaHealing® Basic and Advanced (DNA2) Courses


This new 3-day course was designed based on real-life success cases and gives an opportunity to remove specific limiting beliefs and instil hundreds of feelings to achieve greater success in life and business.  Vianna has partnered with Hiro in an endeavour to unite spirituality and business.

A Game of Life practitioner manual is provided on the course. A certificate endorsed by the founder Vianna Stibal is awarded on completion of the course.

Topics include:


  • Belief work – Practical Approach

  • Free yourself from your parent’s obligations

  • Release past traumas

  • become accepted by society

  • Handle peer pressure

  • Receive infinite abundance

  • Grow your business as you wish

  • Get ready to succeed

  • Visioning and Manifestation


This course started in Japan 2010 and at THInK in 2011. 

Hiroyuki Miyazaki (a.k.a. Hiro) is the representative of Japan ThetaHealing. In two years of his tenure, Japan ThetaHealing achieved 900% growth in the organization and increased public recognition through various advertisements, bringing ThetaHealing as one of the most popular healing modalities in Japan. Before ThetaHealing, Hiro worked in financial industry for 17 years, demonstrated his strength of managing large projects in multi-cultural environment. Back in those days, Hiro discovered that business performance is largely affected by people's limiting beliefs, where he succeeded in achieving major performance increase through application of ThetaHealing. Hiro strongly believes that anyone can improve business performance by ThetaHealing technique.




Rainbow Children

Pre- requisite: None


A Rainbow Children practitioner manual is provided on the course. A certificate endorsed by the founder Vianna Stibal is awarded on completion of the course


This fun and creative course is designed to enhance and exercise the development of your intuitive skills.

Through the Seven Planes of Existence students will learn wonderful ways to communicate with angels and plants; how to heal with crystals; how to connect to power animals; drumming and totems, plus develop their telekinesis; and know how to change auras and heal animals.


Course curriculum:

  • Empathic Reading of an object

  • Seeing and changing Auras

  • Clairvoyance

  • Reading cards exercise

  • Meditations

  • Guardian Angel Readings

  • Introduction to Crystals (how to take care of them and Crystal layouts)

  • Drumming and meeting with your Power and Totem animals

  • Crystal scurrying, connecting with fairies

  • Telekinesis, moving objects with your mind exercise

  • Connecting with Ascending Masters

  • Introduction to Essential oils

And much more…




Soul Mates

Pre- requisite: ThetaHealing Basic and Advanced (DNA2) Courses This transformational 2-day course. 


We all have a calling to connect with someone who completes us and someone to share life with.  The 2 days Theta Healing Soul Mate course is designed to help you find and recognise your most compatible soul mate. As well as releasing any negative sub conscious programs which hold you back from truly having love in your life. 


Course curriculum:


  • Clearing the belief and fears surrounding finding your soul- mate

  • Understand what programs that block us from finding the most compatble soul mate

  • Recognize what qualities you would like in a soul mate

  • How to manifest for your most compatible soul-mate

  • How to improve and bring back the spark to an existing relationship

  • Energetic divorce from past relationships

  • Insights on relationships between men and women

  • Excersice and meditations for manifesting your soul mate



Family Ties

Pre- requisite: ThetaHealing Basic and Advanced (DNA2) Courses


In this course we direct our attention within and discover beliefs that we have accepted precisely because of the family we were born into.
Through better understanding the beliefs and programs of family and ancestors—you can free yourself from various obligations and duties that were never yours to begin with. Learn how to create a new sense of identity and authentic power. Formulate and direct your life based on your own goals and aspirations. By letting go of beliefs that no longer serve you, you will come to better know, recognize and accept yourself, and to lead a freer existence. In short, you become able to more completely love and accept yourself.

This course applies the basic tools of ThetaHealing to address a host of issues related to family. In the process a number of innovative exercises are introduced.


Areas of focus include: 

  • Clear resentments towards one's family

  • Complete and release family roles that no longer serve you

  • The Family Tree

  • Identify common themes or patterns through your ancestral line

  • Release family drama

  • Explore why you chose to incarnate into your particular family 

  • Connect with an ancestor and choose whether or not to accept a gift

  • Recognise positive traits and attributes from your parents

  • Download and embrace virtues from your family line

  • Integrate your Higher Self more into your everyday life and the physical

  • Improve relationships with family, friends, colleagues and co-workers

  • Help your clients deal with issues relating to the family

This seminar became a ThetaHealing Elective seminar in 2013 and was designed by Reiko and Daniel Samos. Prerequisites: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA 


Course Instructor Eric Richardson (Theta Healing representative for South Africa)


Eric has trained extensively with Vianna Stibal, the founder of ThetaHealing, and is a ThetaHealing Master and Certificate of Science graduate in ThetaHealing, the highest qualification awarded in Theta Healing.

He has facilitated over 100 Theta healing classes, and brings with him a wealth of experience and wisdom as a former high school English teacher, curriculum developer and lecturer in teacher education, consultant, and managing director of an educational charity using theatre to change attitudes and behaviours. He is a member of the International Association of Coaches, Therapists and Mentors, and founder of the North South Healing Network.



“Life-changing. Re-membering. Awakening. Filled with unconditional love. Re-turning home. Re-connecting. Thank you Eric, you are an awesome teacher, gently and creatively powerful! Keep following the light and shining for people to follow it. With gratitude, love and light.” (Tracy)



Eric teaches with great passion and insight. Life-changing experience.” (Loretta)


“Many thanks to Eric for his guidance and compassion in helping us find and experience our true selves” (Uni)


Eric Richardson, you are a wonderful Master, Teacher and Guide. Thank You for a life changing xperience” (Butch)


To Book and for further course details



ThetaHealing® Basic Course
ThetaHealing® Advance Course
ThetaHealing® Manifesting & Abundance Course

Coming soon- Family Ties 

    London,  5-6  December 2015

  • Course Times: 9:30 – 17:30

  • Instructor: Eric Richardson – ThetaHealing® Master and Certificate of Science

  • Host:: Yvonne Dubi 

  • Course Investment: £295,

  • Deposit: £75

  • Balance£220 

Press here for further course information

Family Ties

Yvonne Dubi - Joyful Spirit 2015 © All Rights Reserves

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